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C.A. (Catherine Anne) Klug was born on April 29, 1991 in Ontario, Canada. Writing books is truly her favourite thing to do, but she also really enjoys horseback riding, playing basketball, biking, playing chess, relaxing with a hot cup of coffee and a word search, feeding her mind with a classic from Mozart or Beethoven, acting/performing, and of course, reading.


Catherine learned to read at age 3 and wrote her very first book at age 5. Growing up, her best subjects in school were Math and English, with a particular aptitude for (what else) creative writing. In elementary school, she would regularly ask her teachers if she could read her latest creations to the class.


She attended university at Brock University and graduated in 2013 with an Honours Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature. While she did take a few different courses about children's literature, some of her favourite writers whose work just stuck with her were Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, and Alfred Lord Tennyson.


Want to know more? Ask her! She doesn't bite (unless you take her coffee away). :)

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